Info Lowongan Kerja

Info Lowongan Kerja

Rubrik berbagi informasi lowongan pekerjaan, (dapat dalam bentuk tautan atau link)

Lowongan BUMN Krakatau Group Juni 2011

June 2, 2011 by Lowongan Kerja

Lowongan kerja BUMN Krakatau Group Juni 2011
PT Krakatau Engineering was founded on October 12, 1988 as a wholly owned subsidiary company of PT Krakatau Steel (Persero). PT Krakatau Engineering serves and conducts either government or private projects in form of Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) contract basis, industrial maintenance and also in consultancy service (Engineering, Study and Project Management).

Lead Electrical
Requirements :

1. Male
2. Hold Bachelor ( S1 ) degree on Electro Engineering
3. Have experience at EPC Project min 5 Years
4. Fluent in English Both Oral and Written

Lead Process
Requirements :

1. Male
2. Hold Bachelor ( S1 ) degree on Chemistry Engineering
3. Have experience at EPC Project min 5 Years
4. Fluent in English Both Oral and Written

Requirements :

1. Male
2. Hold Diploma ( D3 ) degree on Mechanical Engineering
3. Have experience as Draftman at EPC Project min 2
4. Fluent in English Both Oral and Written

Lead Mechanical
Requirements :

1. Male
2. Hold Bachelor ( S1 ) degree on Mechanical Engineering
3. Have experience at EPC Project min 5 Years
4. Fluent in English Both Oral and Written

Procurement Engineer

1. Hold Bachelor ( S1) Degree in Mechanical Engineering
2. IPK min. 2,75 ( Scale 4 ).
3. Have experience as Procurement Engineer at EPC Company min. 3 Years
4. Fluent in English Both Oral and Written

Senior Mechanical Engineer
Requirements :

1. Hold Bachelor ( S1 ) Degree in Mechanical Engineering
2. Have experience in EPC Company min 10 Years
3. Master to Design Belt Conveyor System, Power Plant dan Rotary Kiln

Supervisor Mechanical

1. Bachelor of mechanical engineering
2. Experience as a supervisor in the EPC Project min 3 years

Supervisor E & I

1. Bachelor of Engineering Electrical / Instrument
2. Experience as a supervisor min 3 years in EPC Project

QC Civil
Requirements :

1. Male
2. Hold Bachelor ( S1 ) degree on Civil Engineering
3. Have experience as QC Civil at EPC Project min 3 Years
4. Fluent in English Both Oral and Written

Project Engineering Manager
Requirements :

1. Hold Bachelor ( S1 ) Degree in Mechnical Engineering
2. Have experience in Project Engineering Manager for EPC Project Min 5 years
3. Active in English both spoken and written
4. Able to manage profesional staff that includes process, electrical, mechanical, civil & structure engineers for project basic and detail design
5. Must be an excellent comunicator with highly effective organization skills as well as strong hand-on engineering skills
6. Can work underpresure and passed psychotest

Personality :

1. Diligent, honest and loyal
2. Good personality and team work
3. Willing to be located in Cilegon Banten

QA/QC Mechanical
Requirements :

1. Male
2. Hold Bachelor ( S1 ) degree on Mechanical Engineering
3. Have experience as QA/QC Mechanical at EPC Project min 5 Years
4. Fluent in English Both Oral and Written

Interpreter Korea Language
Requirements :

1. Hold min. Diploma Degree Korea Languange
2. Have experience as interpreter Korea Language min 3 Years
3. Fluent in Korean both Oral and Written

M/E Supervisor
Requirements :

1. Male
2. Hold Bachelor ( S1 ) degree on Mechanical/Electro Engineering
3. Have experience as M/E Supervisor at EPC Project min 5 Years
4. Fluent in English Both Oral and Written

Jobs at PT. Krakatau Engineering

* M/E Supervisor
* Lead Mechanical
* Lead Electrical
* Lead Process
* Procurement Engineer
* Senior Mechanical Engineer
* Supervisor Mechanical
* Supervisor E & I
* QC Civil
* Project Engineering Manager
* QA/QC Mechanical
* Interpreter Korea Language

Requirements :

1. Male
2. Hold Bachelor ( S1 ) degree on Mechanical/Civil Engineering
3. Have experience as Project Control at EPC Project min 5 Years
4. Fluent in English Both Oral and Written

General Requirements:

1. Good Computer Skill ( Ms. Office )
2. Hard Worker and able to work underpressure
3. Good Communication Skill
4. Thorough, loyal, dan High Initiative
5. Home Office at Cilegon and willing to be placed in PT.KE Project Site
6. Willing to be a contract employee

Send your application letter, CV, and your expected salary to:

PT Krakatau Engineering
E-mail :

Closing date: June 17th, 2011


Informasi Penerimaan AKPOL Tahun 2011

Sesuai dengan rencana mulai  tanggal 10 s.d. 3 Juni 2011 akan dibuka pendaftaran / penerimaan Calon Taruna / Taruni Akademi Kepolisian (Akpol) Tahun Anggaran 2011 Panda Polda Jabar (jawa barat). Pendaftaran Akpol 2011 ini akan dilaksanakan secara online di masing-masing Polres, Polresta dan Polrestabes jajaran Polda Jabar. Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut hubungi Polres terdekat atau ke Biro SDM Polda Jabar Jalan Soekarno-Hatta 748 Bandung.

Pendaftaran Akpol (akademi kepolisian) Tahun 2011 akan dibuka dan secara resmi,  pendaftaran Taruna Akademi Kepolisian (Akpol) melalui Polda seluruh Indonesia. Bagi Anda yang mempunyai ijazah SMA/SMU/MA jurusan IPA dan IPS bisa langsung mendaftarkan diri untuk bergabung.

Adapun persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi bagi calon Taruna / taruni Akademi Kepolisian / AKPOL 2011 adalah:

I. Persyaratan Umum

a. Warga Negara Indonesia (Pria atau Wanita)

b. beriman dan bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa;

c. setia kepada Negara Kesatuan Nesatuan Negara Republik Indonesia berdasarkan Pancasila dan Undang Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia tahun 1945;

d. sehat jasmani dan rohani (surat keterangan dari institusi kesehatan);

e. tidak pernah dipidana karena melakukan suatu kejahatan;

f. berwibawa, jujur, adil dan berkelakuan tidak tercela;

g. bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Negara Republik Indonesia dan bersedia ditugaskan pada semua bidang tugas kepolisian.

II. Persyaratan Khusus

a. berijazah SMA/SMU/MA jurusan IPA/IPS dengan nilai rata-rata HUAN min 6,5 untuk jurusan IPA dan 7 untuk jurasan IPS;

b. bagi calon yang mempunyai visus mata maks -1 (min 1) dan dapat dikoreksi menjadi normal, menggunakan HUAN rata-rata min 6,7 untuk jurusan IPA dan 7,25 untuk jurusan IPS;

c. bagi lulusan tahun 2010 (masih kelas 3) menggunakan nilai rata-rata rapor kelas 3 smester 1 min 7 jurusan IPA dan 7,25 jurusan IPS, yang disahkan oleh Kepala Sekolah dan selanjutnya menggunakan surat tanda kelulusan dengan kriteria “lulus”;

d. bagi Brigadir Polri yang telah mempunyai masa dina 2(dua) tahun terhitung masa magang dan harus berijazah SMA/SMU/MA JURUSAN IPA/IPS dengan krateria nilai sesuai butir a diatas;

e. pada saat pembukaan pendidikan usia min 16 (enam belas) tahun dan maksimal bagi yang berijazah;

1) SMA/SMU/MA : 21 (dua puluh satu) tahun;

2) Brigadir Polisi : 21 (dua puluh satu) tahun;

3) Sarjana : 22 (dua puluh dua) tahun.

tinggi badan minimal (dengan berat badan seimbang menurut ketentuan yang berlaku):

1) pria : 163 (seratus enam puluh tiga) cm

2) wanita : 160 (seratus enam puluh) cm

f. belum pernah nikah dan sanggup tidak nikah selama dalam pendidikan pembentukan;
g. berseda menjalani IDP (Ikatan Dinas Pertama) selama 10 (sepuluh) tahun terhitung mulai saat diangkat menjadi Inspektur Polisi;

h. memperoleh persetujuan dari orang tua/wal bagi yang belum berusia 21 (dua puluh satu) tahun;

i. tidak terikat perjanjian ikatan dinas dengan instalasi lain;

j. telah berdomisili di wilaah Polda pendaftaran minimal 1 (satu) tahun yang dibuktikan dengan KTP setempat dan KK, bagi yang sedang menempuh pendidikan dan lulus belum 1 (tahun) dibuktikan dengan raport/ijazah dari sekolah yang berada di wilayah Polda pendaftaran.

k. bagi yang sudah bekerja secara tetap sebagai pegawai/karyawan/anggota Polri;
1) mendapat persetujuan/rekomendasi dari Kepala Jawatan/instalasi/satker yang bersangkutan.

2) bersedia diberhentikan dari status pegawai/karyawan/anggota Polri, bila diterima dan mengikuti pendidikan pembentukan Taruna Akpol;

3) khusus anggota polri
a) pada saat mendaftar telah memiliki masa dina 2 (dua) tahun (bagi Brigpol dihitung setelah magang);

b)penilaian kinerja/daftar penilaian (Dapen) dengan ilai min 75 (tujuh puluh lima)

c) Surat Keterangan Hasil Penilaian (SKHP) dari yang berwenang.

i. harus mengikuti dan lulus Rik/Uji yang meliputi:

1) tingkat panda:

a) pemeriksaan administrasi awal;

b) pemeriksaan kesehatan I

c) pemeriksaan psikologi;

d) pemeriksaan akademik;

e) pemeriksaan kesehatan II;

f) pemeriksaan dan pengujian jasmani;

g) pemeriksaan administrasi akhir;

h) pengumuman kelulusan sementara.

2) tingkat pusat:

a) pemeriksaan administrasi;

b) pemeriksaan kesehatan;

c) pemeriksaan psikologi;

d) pemeriksaan akademik;

e) pemeriksaan dan pengujian jasmani;

f) sidang penetapan kelulusan.

Pendaftaran Taruna / Taruni Akademi Kepolisian (Akpol) 2011, sama sekali tidak dipungut biaya (GRATIS) sesuai dengan PROGRAM QUICK WINS POLRI, yaitu rekruitmen personil / anggota polri secara bersih, transparan dan akuntabel,

Untuk informasi selenkapnya dapat diperoleh di Biro Personil masing masing Polda / Polres setempat, atau anda juga bisa mengunjungi situs Polri di http://www.polri.go.idatau

Syarat-syarat pendaftaran Akpol 2011 ini bersumber dari sini :

Lowongan RCTI TV Mei 2011

Lowongan kerja di perusahaan televisi RCTI Mei 2011 sebagai GRAPHIC DESIGNER dan RESEARCHER OFFICER, lulusan s1
RCTI is a tv station that has the largest network in Indonesia. Through its 48 relay station, RCTI programs witnessed by about 180 million viewers in 302 cities spread throughout the archipelago, or approximately 80% of the total population in Indonesia. This demographic conditions with attractive programs design, followed by a good rating, attracting advertisers to display their promo on RCTI.

Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia, the leading private television station, is looking for :

To be a successful in the position, you will be:

* Bachelors Degree, major in Visual Communication Design, from recognized institute or university
* Advance skills in using graphics software
* Possess high level of creativity
* Able to work individually as well as a team
* Good interpersonal and communication skill

To be a successful in the position, you will be:
* Male, not more than 25 years old
* Bachelor degree, any major, from reputable university, GPA min. 3,00 (out of 4)
* 1 year experience as a Researcher, Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
* Experience in broadcasting data analysis will be an advantage
* Familiar with research method (quantitative & qualitative)
* Proven strong analytical thinking
* High level of detail orientation
* Computer literate
* Able to work under pressure
* Possess strong interpersonal skills

If you are keen to pursue a career in an exciting and growing industry and at the same time work with highly motivated and bonded team, do e-mail your resume to:
(Put the job code as Email Subject)
Human Resource Department
PT. Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia
Jl. Raya Pejuangan Kebon Jeruk Jakarta 11530
(Put the job code at the right top corner of the envelope)

Lowongan kerja perbankan di Bank Muamalat 

Lowongan kerja perbankan di Bank Muamalat batas lamaran 30 Mei 2011 lokasi kerja Wilayah Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Jawa Barat

Nearly two decades after its birth, Bank Muamalat now provides services to over 2.5 million customers through a network of over 3000 outlets spread across all 33 provinces in Indonesia. The network is also supported by an alliance through more than 4000 online post office/SOPP, 32.000 ATM, as well as over 100.000 debit merchant across the country. Bank Muamalat is also the first and the only Indonesian bank running a full branch in Malaysia.

At the moment we are seeking for the best candidate to join in our company as:
Customer Service – Wilayah Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Jawa Barat


* Handle incoming calls from customer and able to assist them with any problems, services, requests and others.
* Maintain the services required such as calls to the customer to ensure a service and product relationship with them.
* Ensuring a good coordination and working relationship with other departments.


* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree (S1) in any field.
* GPA minimum 2.75 from reputable university.
* Male or Female, max 25 years old.
* Familiar with Microsoft Office (MS. Word, Excel)
* Proficient in English with minimum score of TOEFL Prediction/EPT LBPP LIA 400.
* Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
* Good appearance with excellent communication and interpersonal skill.
* Pleasant to help customer needs.
* High initiative, discipline and ready to work in a team with tight schedule.
* Height Min. 160 cm (Female) & 170 cm (Male)

Placement upon graduation of the program will be at your origin area.

If you are convinced you have all the requirements, please send your comprehensive CV to:

Please write CS – your origin (i.e CS JATENG/JATIM/JABAR) on the email subject. Send your comprehensive CV, along with copies of ID Card (KTP/SIM), latest 4x6cm photograph, copy of the legalized graduation certificate (ijazah) & transcript. These documents shall be received by 30 Mei 2011 at the latest.

Kontributor : Silvi Anggraini

1. Perusahaan ODAP (Online Based Data Assignment Program)
2. Membutuhkan 200 Karyawan Untuk Semua Golongan Individu yang memilki koneksi internet. Dapat dikerjakan dirumah, disekolah, atau dikantor
3. Dengan penawaran GAJI POKOK 2 JUTA/Bulan Dan Potensi penghasilan hingga Rp3 Juta sampai Rp15 Juta/Minggu.
4. Jenis Pekerjaan ENTRY DATA(memasukkan data) per data Rp10rb rupiah, bila anda sanggup mengentry hingga 50 data perhari berarti nilai GAJI anda Rp10rbx50=Rp500rb/HARI, bila dalam 1bulan=Rp500rbx30hari=Rp15Juta/bulan
5. Kami berikan langsung 200ribu didepan untuk menambah semangat kerja anda
6. Kirim nama lengkap anda & alamat Email anda MELALUI WEBSITE Kami, info dan petunjuk kerja selengkapnya kami kirim via Email >>

Lowongan S1 Teknik Sipil Mei 2011

PT. Yepeka Usaha Mandiri (YUM) akan ditempatkan di Bontang, Kaltim
PT. Yepeka Usaha Mandiri needs immediately:

I. Civil Engineer

a. 1 person Bachelor of Civil Engineering at least 3 years experience.

b. Mastering program structure analysis (Staad or the other)

c. Mastering drawing program (AutoCad)

d. Mastering the design of buildings / structures, soil improvement, retaining wall / slope stability as wellas other infrastructure such as roads, drains, plumbing etc.

e. Able to make a general specification and individual specification for the implementation of the work (design and construction) Civil engineering

f. Able to make the bill of quantity and RAB (budget plan and cost) of the project.

g. Able to conduct a review of all the calculation / design of civil engineering work and all related disciplines

h. Able to create and review the working methods of the implementation of civil works and related disciplines.

i. Able to supervise the work of civil engineering and able to solve problems faced in the field.

j. Age at the time of a job application filed no more than 30 years and preferably not smoking.

k. Willing to be placed in Bontang – East Kalimantan

Applications received later than May 6, 2011, Please include expected salary and send to

Lowongan kerja di perusahaan BUMN Garuda Indonesia April Mei 2011

Lulusan d3 lokasi Jakarta, Denpasar, Ujung Pandang, Medan

Garuda Indonesia (Persero) adopted a Human Capital Management approach which perceives employees as assets with high levels of competitiveness. Engaged in the service industry, Garuda Indonesia acknowledges the importance of human resources in creating a strong and sustainable corporate performance.

Therefore, since 2005 the Company has actively redefined its policies and human resources systems in order to be aligned with the Company’s grand strategy and objectives. For Garuda Indonesia, people have always been the main priority. Employees can be viewed as human capital, implying that Garuda Indonesia’s employees have knowledge, skills and potential work habits that can support the Company’s productivity.

In order to become valuable capital with a strong contribution to the organization, every employee has to have a healthy work spirit and hence will be competent enough for the organization.


* Male / Female
* Age max. 28 years
* Education Min. D3 graduates of various disciplines from leading educational institutions
* GPA Min. 3.00 (4:00 scale)
* Mastering English, spoken and written
* Mastering the use of the computer (min. Ms. Office and Internet) and information system applications
* Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply
* The location of placement in Jakarta, Denpasar, Ujung Pandang, and Medan

Pendaftaran Online :


Lowongan kerja perbankan BUMN Bank Mandiri April Mei 2011

As the largest Bank in Indonesia, with assets that have grown to more than IDR 408,8 trillion today, and more than 26.000 employees spread among 1.370 domestic branches and 7 overseas branches and representative offices, Bank Mandiri has committed to deliver excellence banking services and to provide wide-ranging financial solutions in investment and sharia’ products as well as bancassurance for our private and state-owned corporate, commercial, small business and micro customers in addition to our consumer clients.

We’re sure that your presence in Bank Mandiri will give you an interesting chance to develop your career aspiration as a professional banker in Indonesia and being apart of the most admired and progressive financial institution.

With aspiration to become one of the major player in South-east Asia region, Bank Mandiri has vacancies for first-class professional candidates to join our Consumer Finance for the following position:

Training Development Officer
(Jakarta Raya – All over Indonesia)


Develop and conduct several activities regarding recruitment, training and motivation program to the direct sales force team to achieve the productivity target within the timeframe given.

General Requirements:
• Bachelor degree from reputable university
• Age max. 35 years
• Excellent communication skill (Bahasa Indonesia & English)
• Familiar in using Computer (esp. Ms. Office)

Specifics Requirements:
• Minimum 4 years experience as a soft skills Trainer
• Have an experience in giving a training in Banking and Insurance Company
• Able to do Training Need Analysis and Training Evaluation
• Able to develop Training module and its materials

Closing Date:20-5-11

Visit to for details

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